Dry skin prevention

The prevalence of dry skin, which affects up to 50% of the world's population1,2, makes scientifically proven ways to prevent and mitigate dry skin a true must-know. By implementing the following methods and using the right products, you will be able to achieve long-lasting effectiveness and ensure that dry skin does not come back.

Fat-free diets icon

Fat-free diets
– essential fatty acids like Omega 3 and Omega 6 play an important role in the skin’s moisture. The deficiency of those, which may be caused by engaging in a fat-free diet, may lead to the development of dry skin3.

UV rays icon

UV rays
– prolonged sun exposure may lead to skin barrier DNA impairment and dehydration. In this way, sunbathing may dry your skin out and result in dry skin4.

Frost  icon

– low temperatures may also be harmful to the state of your skin, as they negatively affect sebaceous glands, possibly drying out your skin.

Fragrance icon

– if you want to prevent the development of dry skin symptoms, stick to fragrance-free cosmetics, as fragrance may irritate your skin. That is why Bepanthen® Derma products are free from fragrance, preservatives and colourants.

Soaps and detergents icon

Soaps and detergents
– be careful about the products you buy. The main role of many soaps and detergents is to remove oil, and that can lead to dehydration.

Smoking icon

– studies show a strong link between smoking and dry skin. According to studies, nicotine impairs blood flow by causing the narrowing of blood vessels. This may lead to dry skin, as well as a range of other skin issues5.

What products to use to prevent dry skin?

If you want to prevent or treat dry skin, make sure the products you use are designed specifically for that purpose and contain ingredients that provide quick and lasting results. This is the case with Bepanthen® Derma products, which contain ingredients6 that not only ensure deep moisturization of your skin but also address all the other symptoms. This comprehensive range of skin care products allows you to provide your skin with the moisturization it requires to stay free of dry skin.

Woman applying Bepanthen Derma lotion on skin

Body care

  • Restoring Daily Body Lotion
  • Replenishing Daily Body Lotion
  • Gentle Body Cleanser DailyWash Gel

Face care

  • Restoring Daily Face Cream with SPF25
  • Regenerating Night Face Cream
  • Gentle Face Cleanser Daily Wash Gel

By avoiding factors harmful to your skin and by implementing an appropriate skin care routine with the use of specialized products, you can provide your skin with permanent hydration and health for years to come!


1 Farage MA. The prevalence of sensitive skin. Front Med. 2019;6:98.

2 Roussaki-Schulze AV, Zafiriou E, Nikoulis D, Klimi E, Rallis E, Zintzaras E. Objective biophysical findings in patients with sensitive skin. Drugs Exp Clin Res. 2005;31 (Suppl.):17–24.

3 Int J Cosmet Sci. Seasonal influences on stratum corneum ceramide 1 fatty acids and the influence of topical essential fatty acids. 1996 Feb;18(1):1-12. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-2494.1996.tb00131.x

4 K.A. Engebretsen, The effect of environmental humidity and temperature on skin barrier function and dermatitis, DOI: 10.1111/jdv.13301

5 Misery L. Nicotine effects on skin: are they positive or negative? Exp Dermatol 2004 Nov;13(11):665-70

6 Chen Y, Lyga J. Brain-skin connection: Stress, inflammation and skin aging. Inflamm Allergy Drug Targets. 2014;13(3):177-190. doi:10.2174/1871528113666140522104422. 

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