How to take care of dry skin daily?

Proper skin care is a combination of the use of clinically proven products, based on ingredients that are key to its proper barrier function, and avoiding exposing the skin to factors that negatively affect its condition. Especially if your skin tends to dry out and develop areas of dryness, you should be careful about what measures you use and what habits you cultivate.

Start by picking up the correct habits

By developing beneficial habits, you can ensure that your skin remains healthy and properly moisturized. If you are concerned about your skin and it shows a predisposition to develop dryness, start with changes in the following areas:

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– include foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6 in your diet to help keep your skin nourished1.

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Sun exposure
– UV rays can damage the skin barrier or skin DNA, as well as dehydrate the skin, so consider limiting sun exposure2.

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– especially soaps, shampoos and detergents that remove oil can dehydrate the skin.

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– apart from other harmful effects of smoking, it strongly accelerates the ageing process, which impacts the condition of your skin.

Use products that work deep within the skin

Products that penetrate deep into the skin work best for proper skin hydration, because they have a positive effect not just in the top layer. This is the case with Bepanthen® Derma products, which contain Dexpanthenol and work deeper within the skin to heal the root cause of dryness, restoring the skin regeneration process from the inside out.

Pay attention to the ingredients in our dry skin products

The most important characteristic of skincare products is what ingredients they are made of. In order to be able to deal with dry skin effectively, a formula is needed that offers an answer to each of the symptoms of dry skin.

In that sense, Bepanthen® Derma products are perfect for everyday skincare, its special Repair Complex contains:

Woman happy after using Bepanthen Derma product
  • Dexpanthenol, which works deep within the skin to repair the disrupted cell renewal process
  • Vitamin B3 to soothe itchy dry skin
  • Natural lipids including Shea Butter and Argan Oil to replace lost skin lipids
  • Glycerine to provide immediate and long-lasting moisturisation

Choose the right skin care regime

If you are considering introducing an all-day skin care routine to improve the condition of your skin, then Bepanthen® Derma products, designed for daily moisturization and cleansing of your entire skin, are exactly what you are looking for.

By utilising the above elements of proper skin care, you can quickly achieve effects and improve the condition of your skin so that it is properly moisturized and free from dry skin.


1 Szyszkowska B, Lepecka-Klusek C, Kozłowicz K, Jazienicka I, Krasowska D. The influence of selected ingredients of dietary supplements on skin condition. Postepy Dermatol Alergol. 2014;31(3):174-181. doi:10.5114/pdia.2014.40919

2 K.A. Engebretsen, The effect of environmental humidity and temperature on skin barrier function and dermatitis, DOI: 10.1111/jdv.13301

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