The inside-out approach to skin care

Caring for the skin, especially one with a predisposition for developing dryness, requires the right approach and good knowledge of how it all works.

Only the inside-out approach to skin care can provide immediate relief and lasting moisturization.

Repair from deep within the skin

By using a unique combination of the key, expert-endorsed ingredients1 , the new Bepanthen® Derma Skin Care products for dry skin are able to work deep within the skin and provide immediate relief from dry skin symptoms, restoring the normal skin regeneration process.

The action deep inside the skin and the use of ingredients such as Dexpanthenol allow the Bepanthen® Derma products to tackle the root cause of dry skin - disturbed skin regeneration process2 – and address it, making it possible to restore healthy skin both inside and out.

Woman using Bepanthen Derma products

The difference between the inside-out and outside-in approaches to skin care

With the use of the outside-in approach to skin care, we can only address some of the symptoms of dry skin - mainly the lack of surface moisturization and itching. However, this is not enough to get rid of the problem, because the remaining symptoms, hidden deeper in the skin, will lead to a quick recurrence of the problem.

An alternative to this approach is the inside-out approach. With its use, we can address all the symptoms of dry skin - both the deeper ones, such as disturbed skin regeneration process, inflammation and the loss of skin moisture, as well as those related to the skin’s surface - such as scaling and itching.

Woman applying Bepanthen Derma cream

Importantly, only such a comprehensive response to the problem of dry skin allows you to break the dry skin cycle3 and free yourself from the constant recurrence of symptoms that fuel each other.

In this way, the inside-out approach to skin care of Bepanthen® Derma allows for comprehensive skin repair and relief of dry skin – and as a result, healthy skin inside and out!


1 Proksch E, et al. (2019): Dry skin management: practical approach in light of latest research on skin structure and function, Journal of Dermatological Treatment, DOI:10.1080/09546634.2019.1607024

2 Wohlrab J, Kreft D. Niacinamide - mechanisms of action and its topical use in dermatology. Skin Pharmacol Physiol. 2014;27(6):311-315. doi:10.1159/000359974.

3 Proksch E. The role of emollients in the management of diseases with chronic dry skin. Skin Pharmacol Physiol. 2008;21(2):75-80. doi:10.1159/000112957

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