Teething, which often begins in babies around six months,can be a challenging time for both parent and baby. During this period your baby or toddler may seem ‘out of sorts’ and irritable, with many minor symptoms commonly being blamed on the ‘teething’ phase.
Symptoms of teething include:
- Pain
- Inflammation around where the tooth is erupting
- General irritability
- Trouble sleeping or disturbed sleep
- A red face
- Drooling
- Rubbing the gums, or more biting and sucking
- Bowel upset ranging from constipation to diarrhoea
- Loss of appetite
- A sore ear on the same side as the tooth that’s erupting
Teething does not directly cause diaper rash. However, diaper rash can be caused by your baby’s skin coming into contact with stool and pee in their diaper,and if your baby is suffering from teething-induced diarrhoea, this may increase the likelihood of them suffering from diaper rash. Click here to learn more about diaper rash.
If your baby is teething, there are steps you can take to help prevent diaper rash and also to help them feel better:

- Make sure their diapers are changed as soon as possible after they’ve been soiled, and use a protective ointment like Bepanthen® Nappy Care Ointment at every changing, to create a barrier to protect their skin and to help aid in their natural skin recovery.
- Giving your baby chilled or frozen items to chew on, such as pacifiers, frozen food, or teething rings, can help soothe their sore gums.
- If you follow the instructions carefully, minor analgesics (paracetamol or ibuprofen) can help to manage the pain.